Pastoral Dues

About Dues

Commissioned and Ordained men who serve in churches associated with the NEO Charis District are required to pay dues to be included in the official list of names for national recognition with Inspire. Dues are collected throughout April each year and the final list is sent to Inspire in May. The NEO District Leadership Team maintains this approved list and if you need to be added you must contact Dr. Ron Boehm by email. This list is composed of men who have been approved by examination (see Pastor Joe Cosentino if you need more information about these exams) and recognized by their local church.  
District dues are used, along with church dues, for administrative costs, events to train and encourage district leaders, and to foster relationships as a district (see Coming Events).

General information about dues

  • All invoices will be sent out to everyone April 3rd. To view the official district list I am working from CLICK HERE; let me know of any updates. To receive or maintain your national recognition, your name must be on our NEO district list.
  • NEO district fees are $32 for the year – an increase from last year. Ordained or Commissioned men will have 30 days to pay their dues.
  • By paying your district dues we assume your compliance to the Ministerial Standards. If you have any objections or questions, please contact Pastor Bud ( CLICK HERE to review those standards.
  • Grace Church of Greater Akron and Grace Church of Wooster pay pastoral dues as a group for those they endorse; if you are a part of either of these churches, check to make sure you are on their list. All the rest of the pastors in the district will be invoiced personally.
  • The NEO District does NOT collect Inspire national dues. You can pay your Inspire national dues at (for individuals or groups). 


Exemptions are extended to those men who are retired or who serve as missionaries. If you are being invoiced for dues but you think you should be exempted, please contact Dr. Ron Boehm. Here is a clarification of what those terms mean to us:

Retired - A commissioned or ordained member of an NEO local church and both …

  • 65 or older AND

  • Living from social security and/or savings (or a personal retirement account). That is, you no longer earn a living wage from ministry.

 A Missionary – a member of an NEO local church AND …

  • Sent out as a missionary from an NEO church OR…

  • Serving as a leader/administrator in a missionary sending organization (eg Encompass) OR …

  • Leading and/or administrating a church planting organization (eg Assist, Seednet).

For information about national lifetime membership, go to