Purpose: to incite NEO leaders to get to know and encourage each other, extending beyond their own NEO local church.

Plan: We want to help remove financial barriers so that leaders can share a meal together within the district, or a common meal at workshops and conferences; we’ll even help with conference/workshop fees. Because we are encouraging relationships as well as impact, we want those who share these experiences to have at least one meaningful interaction within 6 weeks following the event to hear what actual benefit the experience was for each other.


1.     Apply 

a.     Go to www.neocharis.com

b.     Select "NEO Boost"

c.     Submit application – CLICK HERE.

2.     Receive

a.     Clarifying conversation - Ron Boehm will call, interview, make arrangements with you for your assistance.

b.     Instructions - photo your receipts to neoteam@neocharis.com or text to 330.472.7493.

c. Approval

3.     Experience

a.     Make arrangements

b.     Pray

c.     Plan to meet and/or travel together

d.     Meet and experience your time together

e.    Set a time/place/process for follow-up

4.     Follow-up

a.     Don't leave the experience without a follow-up plan

b.     Meet/Talk/Video chat - whatever works best in your situation

c.     Send neoteam@neocharis.com a report of what it meant for you

We hope that further relationships with these leaders may develop, but that is up to you. Our desire is to inform and great opportunities for relationship building and mutual encouragement.

NEO Boost limits

  • This program is not for the expenses of travel or lodging.

  • There is an annual limit of $500 per person; or $2,000 for a group.

  • We welcome all applications and the opportunity to talk with you about the event you want to attend.

Apply now!